Using clear dental aligners to straighten the smile
Are you seeking an alternative to conventional metal braces? Do you desire a flawless smile without conspicuous gaps? Are you worried about your bite alignment and its impact on your smile?
At Eagle Family Dental in Arlington, Washington, we prioritize your smile. We aim to provide adult orthodontic solutions tailored to your specific needs. Beyond traditional braces, we specialize in more discreet solutions like clear dental aligners, specifically brands like ClearCorrect, Suresmile, and Invisalign. You might be a candidate for invisible braces, and speaking with our team will get you the answers you need.
What exactly are clear aligners?
Are you considering a teeth alignment solution that does not require metal brackets and wires? Our offerings, Invisalign, Suresmile and ClearCorrect, might be right for you. These treatments work by using clear plastic trays worn over the teeth in the dental arch, gently nudging them into alignment. When worn, their near-invisibility makes them a sought-after choice for adults and teens concerned about the aesthetic look of more conventional braces.
Who is a proper candidate for invisible braces?
During your initial visit with Doctors Bryce Duskin, Arezoo Holdway, Gavin McNelis, and Ally Mueller at Eagle Family Dental, we can determine whether you are fit for treatment. Our dentists assess the misalignment in your smile and recommend the most suitable orthodontic treatment based on your unique needs. Clear aligner trays might be a good choice for those who have mild to moderate teeth misalignment.
What can I expect during my treatment with clear dental aligners?
First, a consultation appointment allows our team to evaluate you to see if this treatment is suitable for you. Then, a series of digitized impressions of your teeth are taken. The aligners are customized to fit snugly over your dental arch. You can expect to wear these trays for 20-22 hours daily, only taking them out for eating and oral hygiene care.
What are the benefits of wearing clear aligners to straighten the smile?
- Discreet, practically invisible treatment
- Comfortable aligner trays
- Removable for eating and drinking
- Easy to care for
- Affordable/attainable for tight budgets
- Allows for easy brushing and flossing
- Improved oral health
How can I learn more about Invisalign, Sursmile and ClearCorrect clear dental aligners?
The first step to determining your eligibility for this type of orthodontic treatment is scheduling an evaluation with our dentists at Eagle Family Dental. Dial (360) 322-1251 to request a visit or chat in person with our professional team at 20302 77th Avenue Northeast. Drs. Bryce Duskin, Arezoo Holdaway, Gavin Mcnelis, and Ally Mueller of Eagle Family Dental are proud to serve patients in and around the cities of Everett, Lake Stevens, Granite Falls, Stanwood, Camano Island, Marysville, Smokey Point, and Arlington, Washington.